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« Pierce Mattie: The final word (I hope) | Main | Prada Amber Pour Homme »

August 11, 2006


Amy Alkon

Thanks! That's so sweet.

The way I see it, I could be dead tomorrow, I don't want to look like crap today. Also, I see dressing up both as a form of entertainment and an exercise in self-respect.

It really takes very little to look great, even if you're on the run. You need to have a few uniforms you always look great in that you can just throw on. It's faster for me to throw on a dress and wear a little pair of kitten heels (and let me recommend Cole Haan G-series, with Nike technology -- I could run two miles in my little black pumps)...faster than pulling together some slob-wear. And you feel great.

I wear big beads and earrings, and I always buy very nice bags and shoes...never cheap ones. I've learned from the French not to buy lots and lots of clothes. Instead, I buy one or two expensive things when I'm in France -- usually by a young designer with great cuts and reasonable prices -- and the rest of the time, I buy my clothes on e-Bay (vintage jackets and beads and slightly used Michael Stars tshirts).

I buy winter clothes when they're on sale in January and summer clothes when they're on sale in August. This takes having personal style. I'm pretty much anti-trend. I retire my cowboy boots when cowboy boots are in, and the like.

I know what shapes look good on me and I've learned about "cri de coeur" -- cry of the heart, in French -- only buying stuff you absolutely love, and stuff that fits, as well. It's not a bargain if it's not your color, in other words. And when there are jackets that don't quite grab right in the waist, I get them tailored. There. Now you know all my secrets. Well, a lot of them, anyway. See what flattery will get you?

Tracy Sheridan

There! You've done it now. Stopped me in my tracks...not an easy feat. ;-)

I'm speechless -- thank you for your ever-kind and truly humbling words. Might I just say that you are one beauty of a beauty yourself, in every way.

What I feel is this, as much a cliche as it might sound: beauty simply comes from within. Be happy, know when to quiet your mind, move your body and feed your soul.

I think I've mentioned to you before, the youngest person I ever knew was my Swedish grandmother. She told me two things that kept with me forever: don't ever think of age as anything than just numbers, and whatever you want from this life - GO AND GET IT!

Thank *you*, Jackie. I'm grateful to have you as a friend, and to know that so much lies ahead of us. There are no coincidences in life, I believe.

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